Second Panel Discussion

Second Panel Discussion

Topic : Establish a casino


               Ella Smith  (34) / Working at a Supermarket

               →She was a moderator of this discussion

               Peter Shawn (65) / Owner of the Furniture Store

               Lily Carpenter(39) / Tour Conductor

               Olivia Marlin (33) a Scholer of Psychology

    →She was not in this disucussion

               Kevin Sky (35)  / a Lawyer

               Lucy Flower (33)  / Patry Chief



 Peter : He agrees with this idea because he believes that it make Apollon's economy better.

Lily : She also agree with this idea because it may effect her work.

Kevin : He Disagree with it because he doesn't think its merit.

Lucy : She also disagree with it because she has some negative impact about it.


There are a lot of discussion from the audiences.

When it comes to a pandemic, we can't rely on casinos How do we deal with it?

→ It's a very difficult problem, but we don't always rely on casinos.

Can we do it while smoking a cigarette?

→ Yes.  We divide into smoker's room and non-smoker's room.

Would you like to increase it's employers?

→ Yes.  We want to increase if possible.

I came to this island for sightseeing.  However, I have spent all my money at the casino.  I can't go back to the country I was in.  What should i do?

→ We manage the money you can spend on it before you play the casino.

Do We Really Need a Casino?

→ Yes.  I'm a business owner, so I need money.  Also, there are many daytime attractions on this island, but there are no nighttime attractions.  The casino will be that.


Did not reach consensus

My opinion 

My opinion is about smoking while doing casino.  I'm the same heavy smoker as Blood.  I asked non-smokers and if I could just play the casino while smoking, but they said they couldn't.  It seems to be divided into a space for smokers and a space for non-smokers.  I'm not convinced of it.  I want to play a casino with various people while smoking.



Fifth Panel Discussion

9th Panel Discussion

Apollon Karin Komatsu